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Some interesting counterfeit products in China

U may hear that there are many counterfeit products in China.

Due to the the incomplete law system and lackness of famous brands in China, some chinese manufacturers really have amazing talents in counterfeiting other famous brand's product.

Come up with the pictures------>


Cocacola? no, Calacala - -

mimic mitsubishi... (but 4 rhombuses)

this is a conterfeit product of Korean's drink "Qoo"

now comes the fake sprite, sprite in chinese is "雪碧", but this is "碧液"

see the english translation.. can u guess what does it mean?

Amazing, "Malboro"'s brother "Zalbollae", but i am curious why it printed korean characters on the box

another strange english translation

“Adidas” may be the poorest brand.... see this:

wow! Farrari shoes?!


shanel battery.. only genius can relate "CHANEL" with battery

yeah, "GHANEL" not "CHANEL"

now is the adidos

FUMA, haha

Yeah, hike~ a little more than nike~ ^_^

i think this is the best---"IVIKE"~~ haha

Furtunately, they are not difficult to recognize ^_^

1 comment:

IP Dragon said...

Hi English China,

Interesting pictures.

I do not agree with you that the Chinese law system is incomplete.

Only the enforcement on the ground is inadequate so far.


IP Dragon
Gathering, commenting and sharing information about IP in China to make it more transparent, since 2005